Friday, November 24, 2006

7 Things you need to know about Hamster diet

  1. Provide a predominant hard dry food for the hamsters.
    Hard food allows hamsters to work their teeth on it and helps in preventing overgrown teeth which might cause the hamsters to experience difficulty in eating

  2. Not too much Sunflower seeds
    Sunflower seeds are fattening. Too much is unhealthy. Offer as treats but not main course.

  3. Balanced diet
    If you are mixing your own feeding for hamsters, you have to ensure that you have a right balance of Protein, fibre, Vitamin A, D, E, Folic acid, Fat, Iron, etc. If you are not good at it, you may like to refer to packaged hamster food off the shelves in pet stores. After familiarising with the ingredients, you can then mix and match your own hamster feeding.

  4. Not too much Greens... please
    Too much fresh vegetables and fruits may cause diarrhoea to occur for hamsters. The symptom would be them having wet tails. This is also called wet-tail syndrome.

  5. Watch where you get the grass from
    If you want to feed your hamster with grass, please make sure you do not pluck the grass from roadside or from the park. This is because the grass might have been contaminated by vehicle exhaust or people stepping over it. Buy clean grass or grow them yourself under clean conditions.

  6. Clean food every day
    Always pour away yesterday's leftovers and refill clean ones. For hygiene and cleanliness reasons.

  7. All food in small pieces
    For fruits and vegetables, do only feed the hamsters with small pieces. And remove them before they rot.

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